Citizen Complaint Form - Police

 Step 1 of 1

You have the right to make a complaint against any employee for improper conduct. The Lake Villa Police Department will conduct a thorough investigation and you will be notified when the investigation has been completed. If allegations against the officer(s) / employee(s) are sustained, the Lake Villa Police Department cannot release to you any type of disciplinary action taken. The investigation may also conclude that the officer(s) / employee(s) acted properly or that there is not enough information to prove or disprove the allegations. 

Please take a moment to complete the following information which will be needed in reviewing the facts surrounding your complaint. Please include as much detail as possible.

* Denotes a required field

Your Contact Information

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Telephone Number 
-- ext

About Your Complaint

I wish to make a formal complaint regarding the conduct or actions of the officer(s)/employee(s) as a result of an incident which occurred:
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Please explain in detail what happened and what the officer(s) / employee(s) did that you are filing this complaint about.


I understand that this statement of complaint will be submitted to the Lake Villa Police Department and will serve as a basis for an internal investigation. I declare and affirm that the facts contained herein are complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Furthermore, I agree to fully cooperate with any investigation and agree to appear at any civil or criminal proceeding, if necessary. I also understand that any intentional false statements herein attested to by me, may be cause for criminal and / or civil proceedings against me.