Staff Directory

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Staff 1-25 of 25
Name Title Department Email Telephone
Baghdasarian, John Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Barrette, Roger Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Beck, Zachary Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Bell, Robert Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Cahanin, Eric Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Caliendo, Anthony Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Carl, Molly Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Decaro, James Lieutenant Police Department 847-356-6106
DeKind, Brian Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Demski, Austin Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Dionne, Ryan Sergeant Police Department 847-356-6106
Dreyer, Logan Police Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Dvorak, Thomas Sergeant Police Department 847-356-6106
Gardiner, Michael Sergeant Police Department 847-356-6106
Geraty, Michael Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Gomez, Esteban Detective Police Department 847-356-6106
LaManna, Keith Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Larson, Nina Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Lindberg, Erik Sergeant Police Department 847-356-6106
Regnier, Gregory Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Rosenburg, Donna Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Tisinai, Rochelle Police Chief Police Department 847-356-6106
Willer, John Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Winquist, Kurt Officer Police Department 847-356-6106
Gesinski, Robin Records Supervisor Police Department 847-356-6106
Staff 1-25 of 25